Drinking the right amount of water can boost your mood, productivity and health. We all agree hydration is important, but its plain taste often leads us to seek out more exciting options, and bottled flavoured or sparkling options are costly and bad for the environment. Billi’s home carbonated water machines offer a sophisticated solution that delivers the luxury of sparkling water right from your tap, eliminating waste and expense.

For over 30 years, Billi has been at the forefront of the instant filtered boiling and chilled water systems industry, integrating innovative technology with high design standards to deliver exceptional products. Manufactured in Melbourne, Australia, Billi’s systems embody dedication to quality and sustainability. Our compact designs, which do not require cupboard ventilation cut-outs, and our advanced energy-saving technologies underscore our commitment to eco-friendly solutions. Models like the B5000 Sparkling and Billi Home BCS provide the ultimate in modern hydration technology.