Billi Media

25th Jul 2024

Does Water Make You Bloated?

If you’ve ever struggled to button the pants you got on easily just a couple of days ago, you’re not alone. Bloating is a frequent annoyance for many that water seems to catch the blame for, characterised by a feeling of fullness or tightness in the abdomen, it’s often uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

Thankfully, understanding the causes and remedies for bloating can help you manage this discomfort effectively, which is why the experts in water and hydration at Billi are here to help answer all your questions about drinking water and bloating.


Can Drinking Water Cause Bloating?

Many people believe that drinking water makes you bloated, but this is actually a misconception according to HealthDirect. In fact, proper hydration can help prevent bloating as staying well-hydrated aids digestion and helps prevent constipation, (one of the causes of bloating). Drinking water also helps maintain the balance of bodily fluids, reducing the likelihood of water retention and bloating.

So what is making you bloated? This happens when the organs in your digestive system are stretched due to the buildup of gas, liquids, or solids in the gut, meaning that drinking water, in itself, does not cause bloating unless done to excess or in conjunction with something else causing stretching.


Why Does Drinking Water Make Me Feel Bloated?

While water does help in preventing and managing this discomfort, drinking too much at once can temporarily stretch your stomach, leading to a feeling of bloating. Similarly, drinking water while eating can sometimes lead to swallowing air, which might contribute to bloating. However, these instances are usually temporary and can be managed with mindful drinking habits.


How Much Water Should an Adult Drink Per Day to Avoid Bloating?

HealthDirect’s guidelines recommend that adult men drink about 2.6 litres (10 cups) of water per day while adult women should apparently drink roughly 2.1 litres, with an extra cup during pregnancy or breastfeeding to support both mother and child.

It’s important to note that the exact amount can vary from person to person based on factors like size, age, activity level, and climate. Staying properly hydrated is essential for overall health and well-being, so it’s best to consult a healthcare professional if you’re feeling bloated despite drinking a normal amount of water to ensure you’re adequately hydrated.


Water Retention Causes and Remedies

Water retention can be caused by a variety of factors. Consuming too much salt can lead to water retention, as can a sedentary lifestyle where fluid tends to pool in the lower limbs. Certain medications or hormonal changes, such as those during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, can also cause water retention so bloating may be a normal occurrence for you and it’s important that you don’t reduce your water consumption without consulting a healthcare professional.

Depending on the cause of your bloating, you might also struggle with symptoms like cramps, burping, diarrhoea, constipation, swelling, and gas (flatulence). Understanding these related symptoms can help you and your doctor identify the root cause of your bloating and address it more effectively.

Thankfully, there are often steps you can take to reduce water retention:

  • Minimise your salt intake by cutting down on salty foods.
  • Stay active with regular physical activity to improve circulation and reduce fluid buildup.
  • Drink enough water to flush out excess sodium and prevent water retention.
  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables that are high in water content.
  • Reduce unhealthy levels of carbohydrates in your diet, as these may cause the body to retain water.
  • Avoid tight clothing which can restrict circulation and contribute to fluid retention.
  • Elevate your legs periodically to help fluid return to the upper body and reduce swelling in the lower limbs.


Reduce Bloating and Stay Hydrated with Billi

Since drinking more water is the best way to reduce most kinds of bloating, having access to good-quality water is the best thing you can do to stay hydrated and prevent bloating before it starts. Our instant filtered boiling, chilled, and sparkling water systems make it easy to maintain optimal hydration levels without overconsumption.

As well as filtered water systems that support healthy hydration more broadly, Billi’s instant boiling dispensers give you immediate access to boiled water right from the tap, which many claim can help with the discomfort and other symptoms of bloating. Explore our range of water systems and find the perfect solution for your hydration needs.