Whilst soft drinks are a popular choice, they are often filled with lots of sugar and artificial ingredients making them an unhealthy option. Sugary soft drinks can dramatically increase the risk of obesity and other health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and liver damage. They can also cause teeth problems, especially for children. If you’re mindful of your family’s health & wellbeing and looking for healthy alternatives to soft drinks, we have some fantastic homemade soft drinks recipes below along with how we make it easy for you to make delicious and healthy cold drinks at home.
Billi has been at the forefront of the instant filtered boiling and chilled water systems industry for over 30 years. All our water filtration systems come with an assurance of quality, innovation & sustainability and are proudly Australian-designed & made to strict quality standards in our state-of-the-art facilities in Melbourne. If you want to promote a healthier home and reduce your family’s soft drink intake, read our ideas for healthier cold drinks to make at home